Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Skin vs. North Carolina/Cats

I did go to the dermatologist today to figure out if I'm allergic to cats or something. My skin has seriously never looked this bad, and I am somewhat upset that I cut my hair short because it's more difficult to hide.

The verdict is still out since the bumps on my neck and face aren't itchy or spreading, so at this point, we're just treating it with a fun cocktail of creams, pills, and face washes. Awesome. I wish I was looking better here, and it makes me sort of sad that I don't. You know what some of my summer goals are, after all. Guess I'm just going to have to overcompensate with that good ol' personality. Yikes.

Also, Jon and Kate Plus 8 is on television right now. Alexis, one of the sextuplets, just pooped all over herself while she was napping. Adorable!

1 comment:

Ian said...

i will never understand every aspect of your taste in television.