Monday, June 16, 2008

Friday the 13th Recap

While the newsroom waits to hear more substantive news (this is a slight update), I figured I'd continue where I left off about my week from hell.

After hitting a parked car, passing out on the newsroom floor (mortifying) and touring the Governor's Mansion, I thought things couldn't get worse. Hardy har har.

I was meeting a friend from my college paper at The Borough (which is becoming my de facto "spot" - I've been there, like, seven times by now), and we had drinks and food. Four hours later, I walk back to the parking garage and the car won't start. Because I left my lights on for four hours and killed my battery. Because my roommate is badass and works late nights, she saved the day and jumped my car at 2:30 a.m. But it sucked.

Friday morning, I tripped over my computer cord and crushed my laptop. (I took a photo that I will post at some point). The wires are all still in place, but, anyway, it was a disaster. Then, I had a phone interview at 11 and I successfully screwed up the recording. I usually take notes but of course, NOT THIS TIME. Anyway, that was a truly rookie mistake, and I am mortified.

Anyway, so things basically sucked last week. The laptop is going to cost about $200 to fix and my car's bumper will be about $500...that's about the entirety of my first paycheck.

It occurs to me I should post photos, so maybe I will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing like the reality of making your own money.